Level Up Your Instagram Game: Organic Strategies

Instagram is one of the most in demand and powerful social media platforms and it connect user to brands and a lot of business is running nowadays on Instagram. Young Generation like the Instagram most. So, after knowing the value of an Instagram, we also want to make our presence more attractive and valuable. Therefore, we want to get more likes and followers on Instagram.
You can Grow your Instagram account by consistently posting but if you want to reach with vast audience, you have to follow some steps to grow your Instagram account organically.
You have to follow some strategies that will help to you to boost your Instagram account in a short period of time.

Steps to Increase your Instagram followers and likes organically

Here are some steps to Increase your Instagram followers and likes organically:

1: Optimize your Instagram profile

If you want to grow your Instagram account, you have to show your Instagram profile very attractive. Write some informational and engaging sentence in your Bio of profile. While writing your bio, use some keyword that will help you to rank your Instagram profile with your relevant users.

Your profile picture must be professional and very attractive. Choose the professional profile picture in your Instagram profile. Be careful about the quality of the image. Use high quality image in your Instagram profile to look cool and attractive.

The main thing that matters a lot is your username. Your username must be short and relevant to your topic. Your username must be memorable that everyone can remember the name of your profile. And if they don’t follow you, they can also search it easily.

2: Create high quality content on Instagram

As we all know that young generation love to watch short reels on Instagram. And if you want to grow your followers on Instagram, you have to create high quality short reels. Your short reels will help you to boost you are Instagram account very quickly.

You have to consistentally post your reels on instagram account. You may also keep a particular time to upload your short reel. These will help engage with your audience. And your audience will wait for your next reel.

You can also post on Instagram regularly. To build your presence, use some images and videos to show your brand. Your content must provide some value to your user that if they are watching your reel, they are getting the updated knowledge and information that is based on reality. Don’t spread fake news to get more followers on Instagram.

You can also create content in the form of storytelling that will engage your users with you. Make some inspirational content and entertaining content. Because young generation love entertaining content a lot. You may show your message in the form of entertaining content to your users.

3: Engage with your audience

To engage with your audience you have to turn on the allow comment option on your Instagram profile. If your followers comment on your reels or content, respond them very well. Whenever they comment or send message to you, respond them in a kindly manner.

You may also ask some questions to engage with your audience. Ask question to your followers about what they like and which type of content they want to see on your Instagram profile. There are lot of options also available to engage with your audience like a run polls option on Instagram.

If you are running a business or brand, you have to follow some relevant account according to your brand and business. Because if you follow the account that are relevant to your niche, Instagram will suggest your account to their audience. It will boost your Instagram account to your users and provide you the reach of your Instagram account to your targeted audience.

To Engage with your audience, you can also join some relevant community that will be based according to your niche and interest. Join these online community and talk to people in the comment section.

4: Use relevant hashtag

Hashtag will help you to reach your content to the targeted audience. You can also use the same hashtag that other people of your same category are using. If they are getting more views, then there is a strong possibility that by using their hashtag strategy, you will also get more views and followers on Instagram.

You may also use the mixture of hashtag like trending hashtag and the hashtag that are relevant to your niche.
But keep in mind that don’t use hashtag a lot. Use some hashtag relevant to your topic. If you use a lot of hashtag than Instagram may find your content spammy. And it may affect your content engagement.

5: Leverage Instagram stories and reels

If you want to boost your Instagram profile organically and want to get more followers and likes, you have to build a strong engagement with your audience. You may Post the glimpse of behind the scenes of your content creation. People love to watch the behind the scenes.
To reach your content with wider audience, you have to use trending sound and effect on your reel. Instagram provide you trending sounds and affects. It will boost your Instagram engagement.

6: Collaborate with other influencers

If you want to get the real Instagram likes and followers, you can also collaborate with other influencers on Instagram that are getting more views now a days. Because if there audience will watch your content, you will get more likes and followers.

You can also use this strategy of cross promotion like promote the brand of each other.
Also ask your followers to share your content on instagram and different social media platform.

7: Run contest and giveaways

To attract more new followers on instagram and to get more likes on your content, you may also offer some valuable prizes for your new followers. This will help you to increase your engagement on Instagram.

Make the clear rules and regulation to participate in your contest for valuable prizes. Don’t create any confusion.

8: Analyze your insights

To analyze your Performance, you may also use the analytic option on Instagram. To understand your account reach and which type of people are watching your reel and how many people have watched your reel, you may switch your personal account to the professional dashboard. In professional dashboard, you find the deep insight of your instagram account.

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